I have gotten cards from them once before, and was thrilled when I saw that there was an opportunity to get some for free! Their website gives you a lot of different options to work with for your custom made cards and their prices on the different cards are pretty excellent-shipping included in that statement :)
I was browsing around and looking through their cards and found one that I like quite alot, and I believe I just might use these for Brandon and I's cards this year :)
Go to: http://www.tinyprints.com/shop/picture-christmas-cards.htm to check out all of the different options that they have this year! :) Cards with photos are the best way to go, in my opinion :)
This is the card I like the best:
Buuuut, I also like this one...
aaaannnd this one :)
:) There are just so many :)
So, go have fun! Create your cards now- it's the time to do it! :)
Please tell me I get one?:D