Friday, February 15, 2013

Fourth Valentine's Day :)

Yesterday was our 4th Valentine's Day together! Each one has been different as to what stage of life we are in. The first one was 2010, and we were barely in a relationship. Technically, we were still just getting to know each other and a month later it became "official".
2011 we were newly engaged and planning a wedding.
2012 we were married and pregnant, just didn't "really" know it yet.
2013 we have a baby.

This years I think has been the best. And I think the reason being we have a precious baby in our lives that just makes EVERYTHING so much better.
This kid is seriously so much fun! :)

Last night I planned a fancy dinner for the two of us at home.
I used our fancy everything, which in all seriousness, isn't that fancy, but it was really fun.
It was our first dinner by candlelight and it made things seem even fancier :)

Brandon helped me make the dinner. The menu was simple but oh so yummy. Filet Mignon, Mashed potatoes, roasted green beans with walnuts and for desserts a Raspberry Clafoutis.
For the mashed potatoes I used The Pioneer Womans recipe. My word. So yummy. And creamy.
(secret ingredient? Cream Cheese!)

Isaiah wound up being so tired that he ate and fell asleep right before we sat down for dinner.  He woke up just in time for dessert, but it sure was nice enjoying the dinner with just the two of us. :)
Dressing up nice was fun too. But, as soon as dinner was over, I suggested we change into more comfy clothes and watch a movie. so that's what we did. Isaiah lasted for about 30 minutes of the movie and then went to bed. :)

Hope your Valentine's was wonderful! :)

1 comment:

  1. Love that picture of you two! And your hair is so cute that length :)
