Tuesday, July 23, 2013

time is just slipping...

and slipping away from me. This poor blog has been neglected. It's usually the last thing on my mind these days.
Life has been not so easy lately. I've been learning (again!) to trust the Lord's leading in our family and learning more about faith.
It seemed like, for a while, that everything that was important or a big deal, was "up in the air" so to say. Brandon's job, school direction for Brandon, our housing situation, finances.... You name it! I struggled so much with feeling overwhelmed and hating this time of our lives. I strongly dislike being in a place where I don't know what's going to happen 1 week from now, a month, 2 months etc. But the Lord knew that and He wanted me to learn to trust Him completely.
It seemed like I would never learn, and I became more and more discouraged. Until out of the blue, I just had peace!! Nothing had really changed, everything was still up in the air, but I had peace. Peace from God. And it is wonderful. I am not stressed, I am not worried, I am not wondering what in the world is going to happen next. I just can't explain it. :)
Right as that peace came over me-we found a house to rent! Technically it's a duplex but that's not a very big deal. :) The funny thing is is that Brandon's job is going to end any time now, he hasn't heard back yet about a job he applied for and we are shelling out alot of money right now AND he is going to school. But just taking school a semester at a time-following the Lord.
So lots of changes and potential changes, and we feel that renting this duplex is what the Lord wants us to do-so we are following after that and not worrying about money etc. :) Because He WILL provide.

Brandon and I have been reading a book lately called "God's Smuggler" by Brother Andrew. If you haven't read it and you are struggling with trusting the Lord to provide-go buy that book and read it.Right now. It's an AMAZING testimony of God's grace, love and care for His children!  It is a perfect read for this time period in our lives.

These last couple of months have been challenging but in a good way, and even though they were rough, I wouldn't trade them for anything.

(So this is an update for the time being...I'll try to get a few more posts done, but we are moving in just THREE short weeks! Excuse me while I go scurry around planning things. :) )

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you and stay encouraged. And you are right, God will provide because he will show himself faithful. My bestie, AKA (Shane) is reading God Smuggler right now and has told me a lot of good things about it. :)
